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Read Invisível (2014)

Invisível (2014)

Online Book

3.5 of 5 Votes: 2
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Invisível (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

Picked this up in the airport because the beautiful cover had been staring at me for weeks from shelves in every store I went to.This is from someone who usually takes about three days to finish a book I like: It took me 3 weeks to finally finish this. It dragged. I had to force myself to pick it up to finish it. The setting is interesting. The story is interesting. But then why did I find it so UNINTERESTING?I'm writing this a month later and I can't even remember how it ends. I wouldn't recommend it, simply because there are so many books out there and I'm sad I wasted my time on this. It's real rating is actually around 3.8 stars,but it was still good in the paranormal and romance genre.The stories plot of having a invisible boy and a spellseeker girl is kinda interesting and something somewhat new in my reading list.Though I was disappointed with the ending.(SPOILER in this part you will might not want to read this!) The boy's curse doesn't get lifted and through all they went through in the story it was still a bit bittersweet in the end.Also I questioned myself this; did the other victims of Stephan's grandfather's curse get lifted or all those innocent people were stuck with it forever? If so it's kinda sad to think of such bad fates for them( even though there not even major characters.) Still I liked the romantic moments they have and that I first thought when I read this was that it was only gonna be about the romance story of a invisible boy and normal girl but it grew more interesting when the boy's curse get involved seriously in the middle of the story.So all in all I liked it very much except the ending which I wish they would change unless of course they continue it from there :P

What do You think about Invisível (2014)?

this story was not very fun is was kinda boring the only character i liked was Laurie.

the ending is just so david levithan-ish. read my review on

A great book! I like how it is about curse casters and spell seekers.

Sigh Hated the ending Loved all the rest of the book though

Good, but a little unsatisfying.

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