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Read Shadow Days (2010)

Shadow Days (2010)

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Philomel Books

Shadow Days (2010) - Plot & Excerpts

I read this novella after I read book 1 Nightshade. Shadow Days is a great introduction to Shay and getting to know him before he meets Calla. I loved meeting his friends he had made before he moved into his uncles estate. Ally is my favourite. Andrea sets the scene perfectly and it did make me like Shay a little bit more. I could picture everything so clearly. Although I must admit at this point I am still Team Ren!!! It was fun seeing Shay trying to figure our social media and run a blog - Points scored there :) Final Thoughts: This was a great quick read! Now this is worth the money! I always, always have an issue with authors writing 20 page "novellas" and slapping a three dollar price tag on them. Coming in at a little under one hundred pages, I felt this was definitely worth it. As much as I don't like Shay (the Worst), I will say this Shay-centric novella did not bug me as much as I expected. I still felt him constantly mentioning compliments and girls liking his pages made him sound so very arrogant and smug, but he's definitely more tolerable here. You know, before he meets Calla... >DI looooved the whole creepy mansion vibe going on. It felt really dark and sinister at times, and I felt genuinely a little creeped out, even though I already knew all about the house.However, I question the logic at times. Your uncle is a globe trotting millionaire, and you think the internet is a totally safe place to post videos and questions about your snooping? Does evil demon uncle not know how to work a computer? Do none of his minions know how either? Logically, he would have put a stop to it right away, not let Shay send pages of the super secret hidden book to his online buddies.I also really liked that it connected directly to the beginning of NIGHTSHADE where Calla and Shay officially meet. Made it seem really in sync with the series.Also, three cheers for the evil Hogwarts, Hunger Games, Dr. Who, and Walking Dead references. I nerded happily for a moment there.This is definitely the most worthwhile bonus novella in the series. I would definitely recommend it, even if you aren't a Shay fan. We can only hope that the author will one day get a whim to write a Ren novella for all us Team Ren fans.

What do You think about Shadow Days (2010)?

I don't like Shay at all. This book does not make me want to try reading the first book again.

Paráda. Jen jsem čekala, že to zkončí tím že uvidí vlčici Callu.

i liked Nightshade, but this? ...Shay? not so much. he's boring.

So Shay and Hunger Games?! Better and Better!

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