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Read Les Jours Fantômes (2000)

Les Jours fantômes (2000)

Online Book

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Les Jours Fantômes (2000) - Plot & Excerpts

So excuse me while I throw up!!! But this was whore shit!! Okay, first off....I should have read this before Nightshade maybe I would feel differently.....yea I don't think so. But still, I tried to swallow my hatred long enough to stomache this, this ridiculousness! Secondly, in some instances I felt the slightest sympathy for Shay *puke*....see I can't even type his name without this reaction. I felt sorry for him then hatred is back and I wished he'd died then! Now I know this is harsh and I am sorry to any fans, I am not normally so negative. Ever. But this time I can't be any other way!Okay enough about the fact that she wrote this short story for HIM shows she never had any intentions of REN having anything good in his life! Jesus I am getting pissed again! All of my pent up anger is resurfacing!!! Shit!! I can't contain myself!! *SOB SOB*WHERE IS REN'S STORY??? WHERE!!!! WHERE IS IT??? Its only fair to have his story after the bitch left him for that snake!!! Not that I'd get through it without sobbing my eyeballs out!!! UGH! I'm done! I should have given this a ONE...but undeniably she has good writing skills. Whatever. I am glad I finished it, time to get it out of my head! This was a really cool way to do a prequel/ advertise the series. It was fun to watch the YouTube videos and check out the Facebook posts in addition to reading this. Since this was apparently written before the rest of the series came out, I think it did a good job of setting up the rest of the series, but not spoiling anything. I definitely remember feeling really confused at the beginning of Nightshade, so, had I known about this, I would've liked to have read it first.

What do You think about Les Jours Fantômes (2000)?

I thought this short story was good and it just explained how Shay came to live in Vail.

this was so creepy that I was freaked out too can't wait to read book 2

Ne. Ne. Ne. Prostě NE.

Wish there were more!

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