With the dark coat and headscarf provided by Marc, I was as hidden as I’d ever be. I followed him through the night, tiptoeing around trees, with just enough moonlight to make out the shapes and avoid crashing into them. A glimmer of light in the distance heralded the jump facility, and my heart rate increased another notch, from crazy-fast to bruising-my-ribs speed. Marc angled his wristwatch to read the time and then held up two fingers to my face. Two seconds? Two minutes? I concentrated on breathing in through my nose, out through my mouth, and keeping my breaths smooth. He touched my arm, and I looked up. A finger on his lips reminded me to stay quiet. I nodded. A flat palm held up meant stay here. This was where he’d sneak off to disrupt the power on the other side of the complex. I’d be alone. I’d be alone for the next six months or more, until I found Davy. If I found him. There were no guarantees. What if our actions tonight changed the timeline even further? Marc melted into the night.