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Read Jaxie's Menage

Jaxie's Menage

Online Book

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Jaxie's Menage - Plot & Excerpts

Music from the front of the club had done a good job in covering up what had just happened in Jaxie’s office and thankfully, no one was in the hallway, or he’d have some serious explaining to do.
Right now, he wasn’t in the mood for talk. Shock snapped along his nerves as he quickly left the club. The rain poured over him in buckets as he dashed across the parking lot and then got into his truck.
Man! He’d just had wild sex with Jaxie.
It was insane. He was insane. But she’d been so beautiful. So attractive. So vulnerable.
Not to mention her teasing him about getting herself a well-hung stranger for the night had rocked his world.
Normally, he wasn’t the jealous type. There had never been a need to be jealous.
He’d always trusted her. Always loved her. Still loved her.
He swallowed at the realization. He still loved Jaxie. Probably always would. He hadn’t been with another woman since he’d hooked up with Jaxie. Hadn’t been with another woman after leaving her.
Damn, Jaxie had crawled under his skin and stayed there from the moment he’d met her.

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