Jennifer Roberson - [Robin Hood 01] - Plot & Excerpts
Much knelt in silence, shrouded by foliage, and stared fixedly at the woman who was his princess. She lay on the heaped pile of woven boughs, leaves, and deadfall, hands folded into her kirtle, much like a corpse laid out for burial. Corpselike, she lay mutely, tensely, as if afraid to breathe. Was she asleep? He thought not. No more than Robin was, sitting against a tree. His posture was stiff, incredibly rigid, as if he expected to break. But why would the prince break? And why would the princess not sleep? Much clutched his shoes. He had never understood such things. He knew only what he felt, and he sensed what others felt by attending their voices, postures, and expressions. He had come too late to hear them speak at any length. He had heard nothing more from either of them than their last few sentences, and he could understand nothing of the content save the underlying emotions that blazed so brilliantly, illuminating the dullness that fogged much of his brain. Fighting? No. Not as his mother and father.
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