It looked better outside, no new snow and sunny. It appeared that some of the snow on the ground had melted a little. She woke early, dressed, had a quick breakfast and was out the door. Nothing was mentioned at the breakfast table about Stan, and Rachael was glad of that. It had warmed a little and some of the snow had turned to slush. She had to be careful while standing at the corner close to the curb waiting for the streetcar, so she wouldn't get splashed by passing cars. December could be fickle and let the world have a little thaw and warmth for a change, but everyone knew it wouldn’t last. Right on time, the streetcar came to a stop at the corner and Rachael hurried to board. After she dropped her nickel in the box, she proceeded down the aisle to the first available seat which was located in the middle of the car. She thought about how to arrange her day for time to go to the department store and talk to the manager about Stan. It appeared the only time available was at her lunch hour.