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Read Judgment In Death (2000)

Judgment in Death (2000)

Online Book

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0425176304 (ISBN13: 9780425176306)

Judgment In Death (2000) - Plot & Excerpts

This might be one of my least favorite Eve Dallas books - and given how much I normally love the series, that's really saying something! Max Riker, the crime lord Roarke smuggled for when he got started on his path to wealth and respectability, turns up as a Person of Interest Tuesdays, 10 PM on CBS! It's a great show if you're not already watching the death of an undercover cop Eve's investigating - at one of Roarke's strip clubs. Over the course of her investigation, Eve discovers Internal Affairs' Captain has been trying to prove she's a Wrong Cop thanks to her marriage to Roarke, and has placed one of his people to find some dirt on her. Worse, the IA cop Eve knows best, Lt. Don Webster, who she had a brief fling with a long time ago, knows all this - and feels that maybe this is his chance with her!Now, none of this bothers me - in fact, it's a fairly believable story arc, especially given Roarke's past. While he's hacked his official records so they're squeaky-clean, wiping people's memories is much harder - in fact, it's a surprise that Roarke doesn't run into this kind of suspicion a lot more often than he does! What bothers me is that nobody Eve works with in the New York Police and Security Department seems in the slightest bit concerned about Roarke's often-shady past, even when a case she's working smacks them right in the face with it! "Ya think something's a bit fishy about Dallas's husband...?"They're either oblivious (highly unlikely) or have decided it doesn't matter - and while that's fine for the officers under her command who have come to like, respect and trust Roarke, and even for her former partner/surrogate father Capt. Feeney (who treats Roarke pretty much like family), it seems hard to swallow that both Commander Whitney and Chief Tibble would be so accommodating, especially given the problems even the appearance of impropriety gives the Department. For the series to move ahead they have to, of course - I just wish that there's been some open acknowledgement that they know Roarke's past...and are willing to overlook it for the help he provides, even in cases like this. (Yes, his receiving of an official award by the NYPSD in the recent Thankless in Death goes a long way towards ensuring this won't be as big an issue going forward, but some earlier recognition of the problem would have been nice even so.)Another thing I don't like is how childish Eve and Roarke (and Webster too, honestly!) are in the face of Riker as a threat, not only to Roarke's and Eve's professional lives and safety, but to their marriage. All of them behave badly: Roarke gets domineering and possessive about Eve; Eve takes unnecessary risks to anger Riker into trying to come after her; and Webster goes so far as to try and use the IA investigation to break up Eve's and Roarke's marriage - which leads to the two men having a vicious fistfight in her home office! If Riker had been as big a threat as we're led to believe he is -Oh, right! For a crimelord so vicious and so successful for so long, Max Riker gets taken down with foolish ease by Roarke, Eve and the NYPSD! I suppose the story was trying to suggest that he's been on top for so long he believed he was untouchable, and had gotten old and brittle - but there's not enough here to make it clear that's what Eve and Roarke pick up on, and use to crush him. I had a few friends pick up this book as their first read in the IN DEATH series, and come back to me saying "WTF do you like this, anyway? He's an a'hole, she's a b**ch, and the mystery's stupid!" In the context of the series JUDGMENT... evens out as part of Eve's and Roarke's worst patch in their marriage to date, but individually? It's not really worth a re-read....

Bu yorumu Kitap Esintisi sayfasında daha detaylı bulabilirsiniz.Seriye bir süre ara verdikten sonra hafta içi alıp anında okumaya başladığım 11. Eve ve Roarke kitabı da bitti. Her kitapta ayrıca seviyorum demiş miydim daha önce? Büyük ihtimalle dedim. Bad-ass hatunumuz Eve ve de sert İrlanda viskisi tadındaki Roarke, kitabı okurken sizi kendilerine çeken ana karakterlerimiz. Hiç okumayanlar için kısa bir özet geçeyim: Her ikisinin de sorunlu çocuklukları vardır, çocukluğundaki olaylar Evve'i polis olmaya, Roarke'u da bir suçlu olmaya itmiştir ama şimdi Roarke'un her işi legal bir durumdadır ve bu ikili de hiç bulmayacaklarını sandıkları aşk ve tutkuyu birbirlerinde bulmuşlardır. Evlilik her ikisinin de planlarında olmasa da seride neredeyse bir yıldır evliler ve kendilerince evliliklerini yürdürmeye çalışmaktadırlar. Sakın evlendikleri için mutsuz olduklarını sanmayın yalnız. Kesinlikle ikisinin de başlarına gelebilecek en güzel şey olmuş bu.Bu kitapta ise Roarke'un eski zamanlarında iş yaptığı Ricker adlı bir suç babasıyla tanışıyoruz. Ama adamın aklı fikri hinlikte. Etrafındakiler adamın gittikçe delirdiğinin de farkında ve Ricker sadist beyninde bir oyun kurguluyor. Oyuna göre polisleri polislere düşürtecek ve birbirlerini vurmalarını zevkle izleyecek. Kendine baskın yapan bir grubun kilit elemanlarına rüşvet veriyor, aynı zamanda emniyette, savcılıkta, valilikte, neresi gelirse aklınıza orada da adamları var. Eve tabi ilk olarak öldürülen polisler bulmaya başlıyor ve katilin zihnini anlayabilmek için Roarke'dan bir hayli yardım alıyor. Ama işin içinde karısı tehdit edilen acaip seksi ve de sinirli bir İrlandalı olunca kitap tadından yenmiyor. Her ne kadar Eve ile araları bu yüzden biraz açık olsa da kitapta, en sonunda yine bir yollarını bulup el ele veriyorlar ve bu sadist planı durdurup failleri de yakalıyorlar.Her sayfası ayrı bir zevkli. Peabody ile olan komik sohbetleri, Mira'nın gösterdiği duygusallık ve de Roarke'un performansı üzerine (!) yaşadığı şok, Mavis ile takılmaları kitabın yan kısımları. Noracığım karakterlerini sağlam temellerde kurduğundan her kitapta yan karakterleri de deli gibi merak ediyorsunuz. Mesela McNab ile Peabody hala takılıyorlar ama pek de ilerlememişler son kitapta bıraktığım yerden. Feeney, yüzbaşı hatta şef Tibbs bile ailedenmiş gibi gelmeye başlıyor bir süre sonra. Summerset var sonra. Ayrıca bu kitapta Eve'i hala unutamadığını fark eden bir de eski kaçamağı var diyelim. Eğer sıkı takipçiyseniz hatırlarsınız kendilerini zaten. Tabi Roarke biraz ağzını burnun kırıyor ama olsun (kıskanç İrlandalı erkek de apayrı canım). Neticede kitap müthiş, neyse ki seride daha en az 24 kitap daha var okumadığım. Eğer yakında biteceğini hissetsem depresyona girebilirdim.

What do You think about Judgment In Death (2000)?

JUDGMENT IN DEATH is the eleventh book in the In Death series. This is a re-read for me as I am enjoying the series again by reading all of the books in order. For me, I divide the books into three parts. The first part is the mystery itself. The second part is the growth of Eve and Roarke's relationship. The final part is how Eve's circle of friends is expanding.First the mystery. Eve is called to one of Roarke's bars and finds that a cop who was moonlighting as a bartender had been brutally murdered. The investigation ties him to a previously blown investigation into crime boss Max Riker and to police corruption in the 128th Precinct. While I don't always remember various mysteries, this time I did remember who the murderer was. It was still entertaining to watch Eve do the investigation as she investigates Riker and the officers in the 128th.Second the relationship. Eve and Roarke have a fight here because each of them is determined to protect the other. Eve goes to taunt Riker even though she knows that he and Roarke had a previous business relationship and Riker wants revenge on Roarke. Worse still, she panics and lies to Roarke about it. Roarke gives Eve the cold shoulder which throws her out of balance. A cute scene is the one where she and Mavis get drunk together and talk about what Eve should do. Even though this is the eleventh book in the series, by internal chronology, they have only been married for one year. Both of them are testing the boundaries of their relationship. Third Eve's circle of friends. Lieutenant Don Webster, now of Internal Affairs but formerly a one night stand for Eve, plays a big role in this episode. He makes a pass at Eve and Roarke beats him up which just compounds the problems he and Eve are having. Dr. Mira also admits to Eve that she thinks of her as a daughter which Eve characterizes as "weird but nice." What I find interesting is that we don't see Roarke's circle of friends but he is fitting seamlessly into hers. Anytime one of Roarke's friends makes an appearance in the series, they are always characterized as someone who was a friend from earlier in his life with whom he has lost contact. This was another great story in a series that just gets stronger with each book.
—Kathy Martin

Seperti biasa 5 bintang buat In Death seriesnya J.D.Robb.Untuk genre thriller suspense, memang tidak ada yang bisa mengalahkan J.D.Robb dalam urusan membuat hero yang to-die-for, drop-dead-dangerous, sexy-as-hell, I-wanna-lick-him-from-head-to-toe (haiss apa lagi coba), hero yang nama aslinya tetep jadi misteri bahkan sampai installment terbarunya, Roarke *fansgirl berbicara :)) *Terjemahan buku ini sudah oke, cuma typonya lumayan banyak [hammer]..=> GPU gimana nih? ==aAdegan favorit adalah saat Roarke menghajar habis2an Don Webster. Memorable dan unforgettable. Yang sekaligus juga memperlihatkan Roarke sebenarnya tidak "too good to be true", tidak sesempurna kelihatannya.Dia tetap seorang pria biasa yang juga bisa cemburu dan terkadang tidak bisa mengkontrol diri. Dan hanya satu wanita yang bisa melakukan hal ini kepadanya, yaitu Eve. So jealous for you, Eve :'(..Untuk kasus dalam buku ini, tetap rumit, dan seru. Disini lagi2 kita akan bertemu salah satu orang dari masa lalu Roarke, yang juga nantinya akan berperan dalam buku2 In Death ke depan, yaitu Max Ricker. Yang menarik Max Ricker memiliki hubungan dengan ayah Roarke,Patrick, dan yang mengejutkan juga dengan ayah Eve. Dari sini lah nantinya Eve dan Roarke sadar kalau mereka sudah terhubung dari bertahun2 yang lalu.Destiny? Coincedence? Who knows...Yang pasti In Death adalah seri yang solid, yang bahkan walau sudah mencapai 30 buku dan entah kapan tamat , tetap membuat fansnya meminta lebih.

CRITERIA:1-Graphic images2-sub plots3-murder weapon used and how murder was done4-surprise element5-Personality of the murderer1. The graphic images of this book was more than enough, with blood dripping from here to there, staining badges and God knows what else. I especially liked the second killing, that of Mills, whose innards just decided to squiggle away from the viscera. Nice touch.2. I don't think there were any interesting sub plots there as I don't consider Ricker a sub plot as much as the main murderer.3. The murder weapon used varies along with how the murder was done. Nevertheless, it was the same ops, leaving 30 pieces of silver chips and having the cops' badges get smeared with blood. It was interesting, especially since there was religious input into the story.4. I didn't expect nor did I even suspect the murderer at this point. His identity was revealed in a subtle manner, much to my own surprise.5. The murderer's personality was loyal, hard-swerving yet passionate. Nevertheless, he used that same old passion for evil.I didn't like how Eve became soft for the murderer. Whatever really.
—Jane Lee

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