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Kick - Plot & Excerpts

“How was your morning?” Doctor Chapman—no, Elliot—asked. He had a tiny scratch on his left eyelid. Otherwise, he looked no worse for the wear.
    “Fine,” I said. “Sorry about attacking you. I’m not usually like that.”
    “You’re repressing a slew of emotions and memories. Stuff can only stay in lockdown so long.”
    “Speaking of lockdown…” I curled my lip to the side. Elliot’s hands were folded in front of him, and his attention was fully on me. I didn’t know if anyone outside of Deacon had ever paid me such razor-sharp attention. “Is it even legal to have solitary confinement in a hospital?”
    “I told Frances you needed an hour of restraints so you didn’t hurt yourself. I didn’t know how the tranq would affect you. Where did you get the idea of solitary?”
    “She mentioned it. Like a threat. Not a fan of threats.”
    “What about the thought of it scares you?”

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