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C.D. Reiss books

C.D. Reiss
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Read Books by C.D. Reiss


Jessica and Sharon (2013)

A short novella, which is told from Jonathan’s POV and gives us his view on what happened at his ex-wife’s place after his first date with Monica and also a brief glimpse into his casual relationship with his part-time submissive, Sharon.I disliked Jessica, his ex-wife a lot. She’s such a cold an...

Jessica and Sharon (2013) by C.D. Reiss

Monica (2013)

Monica shows us the scenes where Jonathan returns to being his dominant self. Following the major event in Sing, Jonathan is not himself. Monica loves him and accepts him as he is now but that one element in their relationship that makes Monica feel most safe has been missing. Once it returns - a...

Monica (2013) by C.D. Reiss

Monica (Songs of Submission 7.5) (2000)

The Songs of Submission Series.Basic Plot:Girl with a self-proclaimed musical talent trying to make it big on the West Coast working at a bar. Man with money, ex-wife he believes he still loves and secrets. They meet...yada, yada, yada and then.I began the series thinking 'What else is new?' It...

Monica (Songs of Submission 7.5) (2000) by C.D. Reiss

Sequence One (2013)

I'm left feeling somewhat confused after reading this sequence. Some of it I really enjoyed (about 30%) then there was about 20% that I skimmed over and the remaining 50% I was quite bored with and every time I thought I'd give up, something would happen to draw me back in. However, the story is ...

Sequence One (2013) by C.D. Reiss

Songs of Submission: Sequence Two (2000)

I’m writing this with a very clear head. I left my anger and disappointment at the door.As a reader, I’ll say the story from book 1-6 is okay.As an individual, I’m deeply offended. This is the first time a book offends me so much. I’m not easily offended, to be frank.I’ve noticed that the author ...

Songs of Submission:  Sequence Two (2000) by C.D. Reiss

Use (2000)

I liked this much better than the first book! There were a few spots where I was struggling to stay focused, but I'm just going to chalk that up to my surroundings and not the book because once I got into without distractions, I couldn't put it down. Fiona's life is kind of crazy. I think she nee...

Use (2000) by C.D. Reiss


In another way, I was playing it completely by ear.     I’d tried implementing new routines in Arizona. This thing, that thing, then the other. The shame of going back to her with my tail between my legs was too much to bear. If I did that, I’d have to tell her everything. I’d...

Hardball by C.D. Reiss

Coda (Songs of Submission #9)

MONICA I slept a little, all wrapped up in my first-class-approved blanket. I woke close to landing at the same time of day as I left, chasing the sky from blue to yellow. The city below was grey, blanketed in thick brown smog, and we were descending right into it.     I hadn’...

Coda (Songs of Submission #9) by C.D. Reiss


Three days passed in a heat of songwriting and waitressing. When I realized I’d let the time pass, I thought that maybe I was doing the same thing I’d always done: turn my back on someone until it was too late to go back. Kev,I want you to know I got this, but I don’t know how to answer it right ...

Burn by C.D. Reiss

Sing (2013)

MONICA Sona and the staff had cleared out. Darren hugged and congratulated me, fist-bumped Jonathan, promising him a wild night of beer-slinging and bar-hopping in Silver Lake. He kissed me on the cheek and left, promising he’d call.     Irene had warned me clearly, while igno...

Sing (2013) by C.D. Reiss

Spin Ruin: (A Mafia Romance Two-Book Bundle)

antonio arnsdall Park was a perfect private place. It was an outdoor setting yet private in its expansiveness, with crannies of bushes and low walls and a sheer drop onto Hollywood Boulevard. It would have been difficult, if not impossible, for anyone to casually listen to my call. I sat on the l...

Spin Ruin: (A Mafia Romance Two-Book Bundle) by C.D. Reiss

Complete Submission: (The Submission Series, Books 1-8)

When I woke, she was tangled in me. I lay there another forty-five minutes, just pressing my nose to her scalp and filling my head with her scent of canned peaches. As of that very minute, my job was to keep her. Make her happy. I slipped out from under her and packed my things for a trip home, t...

Complete Submission: (The Submission Series, Books 1-8) by C.D. Reiss

Secret Sins: (A Standalone)

I had so much pride that heeling at Jonathan Drazen’s beck and call for a “chunka change” was the most humiliating thing I could think of doing. But there I was, in front of his ajar door on the thirtieth floor, knocking, not because I needed the money (which I did), and not because I wanted him ...

Secret Sins: (A Standalone) by C.D. Reiss

Submit (Songs of Submission)

It felt like a harness. I’d drop it at Hotel K after my session. My phone danced on the passenger seat. It could be Jonathan, but it wasn’t as though he was the only thing I had going on. I was really glad I looked at it—WDE.“Hey, Monica.” Trudie said. “Yeah, I’m on my way up there.”“We had a cha...

Submit (Songs of Submission) by C.D. Reiss

Complete Corruption (Corruption #1-3)

theresa atrina’s post-production rental was on the west side in some in-between neighborhood. The low-slung buildings in a three-block radius had been painted yellowish beige and sprinkled with Spanish roof tiles, black soot, and garish signs in three languages.     Otto walke...

Complete Corruption (Corruption #1-3) by C.D. Reiss


“How was your morning?” Doctor Chapman—no, Elliot—asked. He had a tiny scratch on his left eyelid. Otherwise, he looked no worse for the wear.     “Fine,” I said. “Sorry about attacking you. I’m not usually like that.”     “You’re repressing a slew of emoti...

Kick by C.D. Reiss

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