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Read Kusursuz Oyun (2013)

Kusursuz Oyun (2013)

Online Book

3.97 of 5 Votes: 2
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Kusursuz Oyun (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

Tara is trying to grow her business and raise her teenage son. At a party she planned for the NFL team she meets Mick Riley. For some reason unknown to her, he courts her during the party and stays around for her at the end of the night. They end up in his hotel room with a wild amazing night of sex but he wakes in the morning to her gone. She feels she is too busy to start a relationship (as if he even wanted one with her) and enjoyed the one night. Mick is confused because he has never had to pursue a woman and he wants Tara. She tries to scare him away by telling him she has a 14 year old son and he asks to meet him. Tara feels she is living a fantasy being whisked to movie premieres and tropical island getaways and although she is falling for him, she continues to tell herself it is just a summer fling and Mick Riley wouldn't want anything else with her. Mick is tired of the game and wants to be with a real woman and he falls for Tara and her son. Both are scared and Tara pushes him away so she won't be hurt again. The end is of course a happy ending. It was good, lots of steamy sex and fun family times. I liked how Mick treated her son and stepped up when he thought there might be a problem with his partying. I love Jaci Burton as much as the next girl, but this just didn't do it for me. It took forever for me to get through this thing. Tera was such an annoying bitch most of the time, that it totally turned me off from the book. Then I was tortured by all the sex scenes. I mean, I get that this is an erotica, but come on, it has to coincide with the story equally, not take it over. I ended up skipping most of the scenes just to get the story over quicker. I was kind of interested in Gavin's story-the next book- but I think I'll wait a while before I really commit to another book in this series.

What do You think about Kusursuz Oyun (2013)?

3,25/5 - C'est la première fois que je lis une romance avec des sportifs comme personnages principaux et je dois dire que j'ai été assez convaincue. L'auteure développe relativement bien la relation entre le personnage masculin et la jeune femme qui fait son apparition, même si je dois avouer que THE scènes arrivent assez vite dans le récit. Certains mots employés m'ont parfois dérangée au niveau de la description des scènes à part ça, la personnalité des personnages est intéressante et l'histoire mérite d'être découverte à mon avis.

3,5★Bonita, y muy hot, historia de amor.Mick es un amooooooooor, tiene una personalidad encantadora y se complementa muy bien con Tara, la cual está bastante bien perfilada también, pero con alguna que otra desconfianza repentina que no me ha llegado a cuadrar...La escritura de la autora es adictiva y se me ha pasado volando. No es una novela con grandes giros, pero sí muy entretenida.

Fun and sexy romance. Really like the sports angle. Will definitely read more in this series.

Great Book!

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