What do You think about Last Days Of The Dog-Men: Stories (2002)?
This is a collection of short stories with a theme of dogs. Very basic and very Southern American. I must admit I did approach this with a bit of apprehension, as I feared the worst for the doggies, but some of the stories were captivating and the writing was fluid.You never hear of dogs named Bill.My favourite story was called BILL. It's a simple tale of an elderly woman who lives with a "trembling poodle" advanced in years, as is Wilhelmina. She doesn't have much connection to anything or anyone and doesn't expect much, either. She and Bill the dog share a wordless bond, her still-living husband no more than a vegetable in a nursing home. Howard had courted her in a horse-drawn wagon. An entire world of souls had disappeared in their time, and other nameless souls had filled their spaces. Some one of them had taken Howard's soul.The other story which hit me was AGNES OF BOB. Agnes is a widow living with Bob, her departed husband's dog. Humor abounds, but so does a trace of wistfulness and the knowledge that time has its own schedule to keep for all of us. All in all, a good collection of short fiction with two standouts. ...light bends to greater forces, and so does fate...Bless them canines. Book Season = Summer (the South)