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Read Let's Get Physical

Let's Get Physical

Online Book

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Let's Get Physical - Plot & Excerpts

he asked in a low voice so only she could hear as they walked down the hallway.
She nodded numbly. She knew what he meant. Fully prepared as in butt plug and birth control.
“Good. We doctors will give you an intimate exam you won’t be forgetting any time soon.”
Roxie’s breath hitched at his comment.
Just as Brody disappeared into the room, Evan’s hand against Roxie’s back shifted to the left side of her waist. Before Roxie knew what was happening he’d moved her in such an erotic and easy way against the wall, her back pressing against the cold, hard concrete that she could only blink in stunned surprise at him. His face was mere inches from hers and his warm breath caressed her cheeks.
“Are you sure about this, sweetness?” he asked forcefully, a hand lifting to caress the side of her chin in such an intimate, gentle touch that she almost moaned out loud at how good it felt.
His question surprised her. Did she look that nervous? “Why do you ask? I wouldn’t have signed up if I wasn’t serious.”

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