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Read Like One Of The Family (1956)

Like One of the Family (1956)

Online Book

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Beacon Press

Like One Of The Family (1956) - Plot & Excerpts

I often think like that and get to imaginin’ what kind of great somebody I might have been. Of course, I just might have failed at the things, but, on the other hand, I’ll never really know ’cause I haven’t had the chance to try anything.
Today I found out what it is that I would have been real good at…. No, I never pictured myself as a nurse or a teacher although I mightn’t of been too bad at either one of ’em. I was ridin’ along on the subway when it all of a sudden come over me that I would be just grand at writin’ signs. You know, I’m talkin about all those signs that you see lined up in subway trains and buses, in particular the ones that tell about race relations bein’ better and everything!
Some of those signs are right nice and you can tell that they got the best intentions in the world but you can also tell that no colored people have been writin’ any of them…. Well, I know that I would make just about the grandest signwriter in the business and put things so that they would be clear and make lots of sense!

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