Neither knew the other’s route. It was standard, used to protect an agent’s identity.At the airport Melanie gave Jack a handshake and vanished. From Seattle she flew to Chicago then to Miami, finally taking a train up to headquarters. It was definitely the long way home. She wasn’t sure she wanted to know what had come of her troubles in Hawaii, but true to herself, she went directly to Ben’s office upon reaching D.C. She needed answers directly from him.“You want a drink?” he asked as if nothing were wrong.“No, thanks.” He handed her a scotch and motioned for her to sit on one of the leather chairs facing his desk. “That was a mess. You know I had to pull eight agents off their assignments. If you can believe it, three other cases may also be entangled. So,” he said sitting down, “how are you? I heard you took the scenic route home.”“It’s protocol,” Melanie said curtly.She sniffed at the drink, considering, then set the glass on a coaster.“I had Jack picked up in Seattle.