I need the familiarity of my house. I need the scent of Mom’s fresh baked cookies that she’ll be shoving in front of me all day tomorrow. I need the sound of Dad’s breathing machine, like white noise while I sleep. And I need the queen-sized, overly soft mattress I grew up with. I just need to be home. I feel like I’m nursing a broken heart and it’s such bullshit because A, I have never had my heart broken—everybody loves me. B, this is Annie—she’s a pain in my ass, and not the fun, kinky kind. Not that I’m into being spanked, but I can’t knock what I’ve never tried. Anyway… C, there was nothing ever there so there’s nothing to be heartbroken over. I’m just sulking because I want something and I can’t have it. I’ve always been this way. When I decided I wanted to play the bass, the first time I asked, my dad told me he wasn’t wasting money on something I’d get bored with in a month.
What do You think about Long After (Sometimes Never)?