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Read Lost Girls

Lost Girls

Online Book

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Lost Girls - Plot & Excerpts

It was February so, even though the early morning was still cool, there was intense heat in the sun. It was mid morning when they came to William Creek. There was not much there, just a roadhouse hotel and some old railway relics. By now the heat was baking, the thermometer on the hotel verandah read 38 degrees. Mark told Elin it would get a lot hotter yet, probably reaching around 47 by three o’clock.
Rather than pushing hard to cover the miles he had originally planned he said to Elin, “Now I have a visitor I am happy to only go part way today. There are a few places I would like to show you along the way.”
Elin nodded, “I am your willing guest, take me where and when you will, Mr Outback Man.”
They both had a beer and then a second one before Mark indicated it was time to head on. He said they were heading for Coward Springs, an oasis in the desert, where the old cameleers used to stop on their trips following the mound springs. Here they would have a swim in the oasis springs to refresh themselves before going on the Marree.

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