Rico’s waiter friend let us use his scooter, so Gianna and I hopped on it while AJ and Rico got on AJ’s. “Do you know how to drive that?” AJ asked me. “No,” I said. “But how hard could it be?” Rico got off the scooter with AJ and said to me, “Let’s switch. You go with AJ and I’ll drive this one.” I sat behind AJ. Gianna raised her brows at me because I was sitting so close to a boy. She motioned for me to wrap my arms around his waist, but I was unsure. . . . AJ put a helmet on my head and secured it under my chin. Then he hit the gas hard—I almost fell off the back—so I grabbed his waist and held on for my life. It wasn’t as weird as I’d thought. Actually, I kind of liked it. We followed Rico and Gianna. Gianna filled Rico’s ear with chatter and pointed to everything. I was content to look around and take it all in. The sun was warm on my back, and the breeze felt cool on my cheeks. I was surprised at the women on scooters—dressed up, even in spiky heels—with bread and flowers in their baskets.