Her heart went out to him, and she wanted to make sure he was okay, but what about the regatta? Everyone counted on each other to make this happen. A broken leg did not fit into the plan. Okay, so Taylor hadn’t planned for that, but what did he expect, mountain biking in the mountains, of all places. Maddie fought the anxiety coiling around her chest. She’d tried to call him back after his text, but her call had gone to voice mail. Maybe he was too afraid to talk to her until his news had settled in. Coward. So she’d said a last goodbye to Lindy, hoping the woman hadn’t heard her gasp or seen the complete downward spiral in Maddie’s demeanor. But Taylor’s words had rocked her. Her whole day was thrown now. Make that the whole month, and maybe even the year. No chance she could invite dear old Dad to come to New Mexico and watch the regatta when it looked like she wouldn’t even compete.