I call my uncle because I don’t know what else to do. She left me, and I’ve been on the hunt all day. No one in the town would tell me anything. I kept getting strange looks like I’m nuts. But I really can’t blame them when I look like a whack job. “What do you mean she’s gone?” I spend the next ten minutes filling him in about our entire relationship from my first encounter up to the moment she walked out on me. “I don’t know what my assistant told her, but she ran off telling me that she can’t marry me.” “Did you check the local hotels?” he asks. I know he’s trying to be helpful, but I’m so stressed that I want to bite his head off. “Yes, and no one seems to have seen her. I’m hoping her father hasn’t found her or anything.” “I don’t know, son. We’ll be on our way. I’m at a loss for where she could’ve gone considering she doesn’t own anything but the clothes on her back.”