The men had it worse, but with Callen’s body curled behind her and his arm over her, it was tempting to close her eyes and rest. Her body ached in all the right places—she wasn’t sure she could walk out of his room. She wasn’t sure she wanted to. Damn, she always met the nicest guys at the wrong time and for all the wrong reasons. Callen was a bounty hunter, and while he said he was here for a bit of fun, if he realized who the Dooraump was, she’d have to fight him for the chits. She made herself list the names of all the criminals she’d turned over to the APM for judgment to stay awake. After twenty, she was sure Callen was asleep. She eased away slightly and held her breath. Nothing. So she eased out from under his arm and straightened up her dress. She’d never be able to wear it again without thinking of him. Her gaze drifted to his sleeping form. He lay still in the temporary stupor that blockers would have prevented. His arms were curved with muscle, his chest and stomach more hard slabs that begged to be licked.
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