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Read MADversary


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MADversary - Plot & Excerpts

And she decided to skip getting coffee.  She had no idea how much it would cost to have a cab wait for her while she got a cappuccino she didn’t really need, but she could just make a pot of coffee at home.  Plus…she’d seen herself in the mirror.  She didn’t look too bad, all things considered, but she needed a shower and makeup, and a comb through her hair wouldn’t hurt either.  The only thing she was carrying in her small purse was a tube of lipstick, but it wouldn’t help the tired look of faded eyeliner.  She’d make a pot of coffee when she got home and contemplate what to do with the rest of her weekend.
    She’d decided she was done with the reunion.  And she had to be done with Tyler, no matter what her emotions were begging her to do.
    On the ride home, she pulled her cell phone out of her purse.  She saw that she’d missed a call from Lisa.  She played the message that was delivered to her phone a few minutes before midnight:  “Hey, Meg.  Please don’t be mad at me, but I see you over there at that table in the back, all chatty and intimate with Tyler.  Randy and I are gonna bug out of here.  If you need a ride…well, just give me an hour or so, okay?  Just call me if you need me, but…I gotta do this.”  There was a pause and Lisa giggled with the phone away from her lips.  Then Megan heard her say, “Love ya!”

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