Magical Passes: The Practical Wisdom of the Shamans of Ancient Mexico (The Teachings of Don Juan #10), Carlos Castanedaمجموعه ی این دوازده کتاب به توالی تاریخ انتشار به زبان اصلی که همه به فارسی ترجمه شده به قرار زیر است1-The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge (1968)تعلیمات دون خوان (طریقه ی معرفت نزد یاکی ها)۰ 1365 انتشارات فردوس ـ ترجمه ی حسین نیر2 - A Separate Reality: Further Conversation with Don Juan (1971)حقیقتی دیگر (باز هم گفت و شنودی با دون خوان)۰ 1364 انتشارات آگاه، ترجمه ی ابراهیم مکلا۰3 - Journey to xtlan: Lessons of Don Juan (1972)سفر به ایختلان (سفر به ناکجا آباد ـ درسهای دونخوان) کتاب باعنوان «سفر به دیگر سو» در ایران منتشر شده است۰4- Tales of Power (1974)افسانه های قدرت (نخستین حلقه ی قدرت)۰ 1363 انتشارات فردوس ـ ترجمه ی مهران کندری و مسعود کاظمی۰5- The Second Ring of Power (1975)دومین حلقه ی قدرت ـ چاپ اول 1364 ترجمه ی مهران کندری و مسعود کاظمی6- The Eagle's Gift (1981)هدیه ی عقاب ـ 1365 ترجمه ی مهران کندری و مسعود کاظمی7- The Fire from Within (1984)آتش درون ـ 1368 ترجمه ی مهران کندری و مسعود کاظمی8-The Power of Silence, Further Lessons of don Juan (1988)قدرت سکوت ـ 1368 ترجمه ی مهران کندری 9- The Art of Dreaming (1994)هنر خواب بینی ـ 1374 ترجمه ی فرزاد همدانی10- Magical Passes: The Practical Wisdom of the Shamans of Ancient Mexicoعنوان: حرکات جادویی - خرد شمنان مکزیک کهن؛ کارلوس کاستاندا؛ برگردان: مهران کندری؛ تهران، نشر میترا، 1377، در 330 ص، مصور، شابک: ایکس - 964599831؛ 11- The Wheel of Time: The Shamans of Mexico Their Thoughts About Life Death & the Universe (The Teachings of Don Juan #11), Carlos Castanedaعنوان: چرخ زمان : شمنان مکزیک کهن ، افکار آنان در باره ی زندگی، زندگی مرگ و جهان؛ نویسنده: کارلوس کاستاندا، برگردان: مهدی کندری؛ تهران، میترا، 1377، در 278 ص، شابک: 9645998360؛ موضوع: کارلوی کاستاندا از 1931 تا 1998، عرفان سرخپوستی، دین سرخپوستان یاکوئی، دین و اساطیر قرن 20 م12- The Active Side of Infinity (1998)کرانه ی فعال بیکرانگی ـ 1379 ترجمه ی مهران کندری
Great Addition to YogaWe're much more than just Homo sapiens (a race), we are also energetic, mental, and spiritual beings. In order to be healthy, our energies need to be so too. A healthy mind in a healthy body! The Magical Passes help exactly with that: rejuvenating our energy body or astral body. The Magical Passes are choreographed movements and can be compared to Ch'i Gong, except that the latter usually suggests simpler and slower movements. The Magical Passes are not like Yoga, which works with static position and aims at vivifying bodily energies. I practice the Magical Passes every morning for around thirty minutes. They have become essential to my physical and mental health. Exercising the energy body automatically rejuvenates the mind and the Magical Passes are a good remedy against mental fatigue. I can recommend it to anyone.
I've always been skeptical of this one, as the magical passes are photo illustrated throughout, and it just seemed more 'new age' than i was willing to admit Castaneda as being. (or me being). Like the book publishers put it out after Carlos died, (or flew away or whatever).Anyway thanks to the public library i said what the heck. I havn't practiced any moves yet. But reading it reminded me of certain passages in his previous writings, such as when Carlos learned the art of 'stalking' which was some really funny shit! So with my assemblage point re aligned, Magical passes doesn't seem so far out anymore. I don't know if I'm taking myself too seriously or not enough, but this is one new age exercise book that I will recommend to my friends.
¿Qué es la realidad? sino lo que las propias experiencias, percepciones y límites de la mente dejan ver. Mi realidad.Es muy divertido y esta lleno de sabiduría, no se trata de compartir las formas o los medios de lo que enseña Don Juan, pero, es curioso ,como menos, ver como más de un camino te puede llevar a reflexiones sobre la vida, creo yo, universales. Podrías casi ignorar el asunto de los alucinógenos, pero el olvidar prejuicios es a mi parecer una parte importante de todo el relato... Y hace mucho más divertido el viaje ("viaje" ¡he! ¡he!... ¿entendieron?)"¿El camino que estás tomando,tiene corazón?"
—Oziiriiz .
My first Castaneda book (I think it's the only book of his that my library has), and I'm glad I didn't pay a dime for anything else by him. The "passes" are nothing but new age nonsense, possibly appropriated from older ideas? but I'm betting not. I was willing to give Castaneda a try in lieu of all the accusations leveled at him, but going through this book placed me firmly in the "fraud" camp. Don Juan is, in all likelihood, a complete fabrication. On the extremely unlikely off-chance that he was a real, lineaged, nahualli, then I have a very hard time believing that Castaneda's accounts of their interactions are anything but bunk.If any of his writing has worthwhile things in them, you won't find them here.