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Make Her Pay

Online Book

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Make Her Pay - Plot & Excerpts

Con stayed with the police, participating in hours of frustrating communication in broken English and Portuguese, explaining that Solange was dead when they arrived.That was, oddly enough, the easiest task of the night. The police believed her to be a recluse psycho who was rumored to have attempted suicide at least once in the past, and they were opening an investigation into the death of her nurse earlier in the week. Now they were gone.He’d ride back to find Lizzie soon, but there was something he had to do first.He had to call Lucy. He had to tell her he’d changed his mind.Exhausted by the fight with the wheel to keep Brianna from being crushed, and the fight to communicate with the police, he dropped onto the stone step and reached for his phone, mentally preparing for one more battle.His pocket empty, he tried the other one, glanced around, and realized his phone was gone.A sign that he should skip the call?Blowing out a breath, he stood to go back up to the top floor of the windmill where it had probably been lost in the battle to keep Brianna alive.

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