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Read Marley's Menage

Marley's Menage

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Marley's Menage - Plot & Excerpts

Through the layers of drugged sleep, she smelled the scent of rich chocolate. The delicious aroma created happiness as a long ago memory popped into her mind. Winter weekend mornings and miniature marshmallows bobbing in foamy hot chocolate. Rick and Kacey curled up on their one-bedroom apartment couch beside her as they sipped their drinks and talked about their future.
A sudden warm pressure cupped her right breast. He held her tenderly, possessively. Something caressed lightly over the tip of her right nipple and she gasped at the erotic sensation. Between her thighs air brushed against her quivering pussy. Her breath quickened and her body ached for more.
She struggled against the drowsiness, but quickly forgot to awaken when warm liquid dribbled tantalizingly over her left nipple. At the same time, something warm and gooey trickled onto her labia.
Hot pressure melted over her left nipple. A mouth? Yes, a mouth, wake up, her brain urged.
Those thoughts vanished as a finger traced her pussy lips, smearing warm goo all over her labia folds.

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