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Read Marooned With The Maverick (2013)

Marooned with the Maverick (2013)

Online Book

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Marooned With The Maverick (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

She felt awful. She knew that she’d gone too far. Yes, she did honestly believe she’d only told Collin the truth about himself.
    And really, not a thing she’d said to him had been bad. Some men wouldn’t mind being called a born leader. Some men would be pleased to hear how wonderful they were.
    But not Collin, apparently.
    And all right, well, maybe she’d laid it on a bit heavy. She’d turned her inner schoolmarm loose on him—and not the good, patient, understanding and gentle schoolmarm.
    The other one. The bossy one who knew what was good for you and was bound to tell you all about yourself whether you wanted to hear it or not.
    Had she wrecked their new friendship?
    Oh, she did hope not. Because she really, really liked being his friend. She liked it more than she should, probably. With a guy like Collin, well, a girl could get really confused as to where she stood with him.

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