While this couple wasn't quite as engaging as some of the previous MCs, I liked this book the best in the series so far because I felt it had the most substantial plot. Lian is a touch-healer, but on a planet where people have their own rapid self-healing, his skills are not highly valued. Lian travels to Dragait in order to do research on the Dragon Planet's fertility problem as well as help where he can as a healer. He discovers that there is quite a bit of bigotry against the dragon men on the planet. This was interesting, because none of the previous three books even remotely alluded to this fact. I think that while all four of the books in this series have related characters and take place on the same planet, this series does not tie the books together as well as some other series that I've read do. Usually when the first book in a series is not very developed, it doesn't matter because the second book introduces new MCs, but also continue to develop the previous MCs. Not so in this series. However, overall I still enjoyed the series (around 3 stars for the whole series) and I liked the characters. I don't know if this is the last book in this series, but I would like to know more about the final King of Dragait who lost his mate and is becoming increasingly violent and insane. I actually waited for this book. I thought it would be lot better than what Amber Kell has been lately writing. Unfortunately she disappointed me again.The characters seemed like something she had written before. They were two-dimentional and I just couldn't get into them. Also I would like to know why Amber Kell always makes the mother, best-friend, boss or etc as the main evil character. Again when somebody was introduced in this book I simply knew immidiately that he would cause trouble. Why? Can't there be a character with a loving parents? Can't they see their best-friend is evil? They have known the person for years. It was a nice little read, but way too predictable. I can also already see who will be the main character for number 5. The idea sounds really good and I would love to read it, but not when it turns out like this.