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Read Memphis Heat 1 Stakeout (2013)

Memphis Heat 1 Stakeout (2013)

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Memphis Heat 1 Stakeout (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

Jarod wasn’t about to admit he didn’t have a clue how. But when Belle shifted before him, turning into a beautiful silver-black wolf and took off at a run, he knew he couldn’t let her go alone. Shifting to his larger, blacker form was as natural as taking a piss. No way he was letting her run off alone and unprotected. She ran. He chased. Where you lead, I will follow. He’d never been big on poetry, but the line came to mind and it felt right. His tongue dipped over the edge of his teeth, sampling the night air. Cool, cool air against his heated blood.
Where the hell was she going? But with a sinking desperation, he knew. Back to the damned warehouse. No! Dangerous, he warned in sharp yips. Like she’d ever listened to him. Why? Why would she… Because he’d told her more than he thought he had. She knew what he would have, if he’d been thinking like a cop. They could smell. Whatever’d been in that warehouse, this was the only way they’d be able to find out now.

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