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Read Menetekel: Thriller (2000)

Menetekel: Thriller (2000)

Online Book

3.35 of 5 Votes: 5
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3805208367 (ISBN13: 9783805208369)

Menetekel: Thriller (2000) - Plot & Excerpts

Gracie Logan, a TV.News Reporter, chases a big story, from The South Pole to the Egyptian Dessert. Why? because of a shimmering ball of light, that shape shifts into a mysterious symbol. then just vanishes.Is this a prophecy or as Matt Sherwood, reformed car thief, thinks, not all that it seems. The symbol, begins to show up, in other places, should we believe, it's a sign God? or is it something else? Once again, Raymond Khoury, like his international best seller The Last Templar, has left me, wanting more books, He knows, how, to reel you in, and not let go, until the very last page is turned,,If any writer deserves to have his books, turned into movies, then he does, So come on, Spielberg, Cammeron, what you waiting for? I did not care for this book much. In fact, if it hadn't been selected by my book club, I probably would not have finished it. In my opinion, the idea is weak and I'm not sure it would generate the global response that the plot of the novel indicates. The writing is at times poor, and the author often utilizes the artificial technique of letting the reader know there's something he's not revealing as a means of maintaining suspense. The author clearly has an axe to grind with respect to religious fundamentalism, and while I don't completely disagree with some of his points, I also don't think the presentation of his solution at the end of the book would result in such a significant and precipitate sea change as the book suggests. Overall, if I had it to do over, I'd take a pass on this one.

What do You think about Menetekel: Thriller (2000)?

Mir ist nicht ganz klar geworden, ob Raymond Khouri mit diesem Buch eine Moral verbreiten wollte, oder ob es nur den Anschein hatte.Wie dem auch sei, die Geschichte ist interessant. Zu Beginn glaubt man manchmal fast einen Fantasy-Roman oder etwas in der Art vor sich zu haben, aber schließlich erweist es sich doch als klassischer Thriller. Es geht um Sendungsbewußtsein, Macht, gute Absichten, die böses bewirken und die üblichen Zutaten wie Mord, Entführung, Verfolgung & Co.Als Thriller gut geschrieben, auch wenn ich schon bessere gelesen habe. Und die Moral (wenn sie denn Absicht war) wird ausreichend gut verpackt, um nicht störend zu wirken. Man kann sogar über manche Aussagen des Buches länger nachdenken, wenn man möchte.

While I would not use the phrase "cutting edge thriller" to describe this book, it is an interesting.... Or rather a ponder provoking read to the end. Slow paced, mostly story development, lacking character development, but I don't think the book was written for that. Political conspiracy theory, manipulation... Leaves you wondering if it all might just be possible. Sheep are we? (Have to say, it took me an unusually long time to get through this book. Not a grab-and-hold kind of book, but acceptable for the read-until-you-drift-to-sleep" needs.)

So as not to give away plot, I will just say... A VERY INTERESTING READ

Couldn't get through it.

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