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Read The Devil's Elixir (2011)

The Devil's Elixir (2011)

Online Book

3.68 of 5 Votes: 3
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0525952438 (ISBN13: 9780525952435)
Dutton Adult

The Devil's Elixir (2011) - Plot & Excerpts

This third book in the trilogy falls somewhere in between the first and second book in terms of likeability and story. While it's much better than the first book, I don't know if it is better than the second one. It does have unnecessary details that add nothing to the book and i wasn't really keen on the whole reason for [spoiler] being the the target in Tue first place. That part was honestly just unbelievable. Now writing this and thinking back over the book, I've changed my mind, this book does really belong after the second in terms of likeability and story. It is almost like the author was rushed in writing and added details that weren't really necessary. I did enjoy the story ( though a bit bloody, unnecessarily so, in parts) until the last quarter of the book. Well beyond my temper tantrum that there were no Templars in this book it was enough to keep me reading. I love Reilly and Tess. The introduction of Alex was quite a plot twist. It took me awhile to putz my way through it but then I hit a spot where I just had to stay awake and finish it. I was mad at certain parts and then others made sense. I basically gave it a 3 because of the lack of templars ha! No and I dunno some plot gaps.

What do You think about The Devil's Elixir (2011)?

A good, quick read. Full of action, yet still has character development.

Not as good as the other entries in the series to date.

it was ok


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