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Read The Sign (2009)

The Sign (2009)

Online Book

3.35 of 5 Votes: 5
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0525950974 (ISBN13: 9780525950974)
Dutton Adult

The Sign (2009) - Plot & Excerpts

Not a book I would pick on my own. I read it for a book club which is why i had to read it. I felt the pace was very slowand just could not get into the story. I only liked the chapters with Matt in them as I felt those were the fast paced chapters. I did like the twist with some characters that I did not see coming. It's not the worst book I have ever read, but I do it think I would read another book from the author. First time reading any of his books. This started quite interesting ,when I got further into it , It made it sound that all bad thing has been caused by religion. And I felt a bit insulted, as humans have never had any problems with find excuses.(If not for religion bad thing would not happen) that is rubbish! People will use any excuse.Picking on organised religion, seemed to be what the book was about. No!,,,,, read it again with mind open!Human nature, power and control. dangers of having a closed, or obsessed mind and not thinking. Was more in the book, that came out with more thinking. In other words extremist behaviour is a bigger problem, than what you believe .Want want want! Is human nature. Came out clear after thinking about it. Problem is the book does focus on religion.But then again religion, is a good weapon to use, which the book did show! It's happened a lot through history.Using it to control millions of people. The book points out, that following with you eyes shut is dangerous. Powerful people will be only to willing, to use you for there gain. And that we need to think first.The book could have made this clear. (Control is such a powerful thing in the wrong hands)I would have rated it higher, if not for a lot of the reviews. Perhaps read it again. The hero was not believable, seemed to be a big problem for people.

What do You think about The Sign (2009)?

A whiny man-child works out his daddy issues in novel form. Skip this one.

I could not put it down. a great blend of the old and current events

Don't bother

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