The drawing room was finished, though the part of the panelling from which the paint had been removed would not look the same for some time, and Anne had cleverly managed to conceal most of it.Mrs. Wyatt looked rather sourly at the finished work, and remarked that they need not have bothered to do any painting to. the room in the first place. There was absolutely no difference in the drawing room from what it had been before.Anne bit back an angry retort, as the room was now quite beautiful, and warmly welcoming, thanks to her own efforts.“It looks wonderful,” Francis told her, putting an arm round her to hold her close.“I’m glad you’re pleased,” she told him, rather awkwardly and shyly.Helen was spending more and more of her free time in Carlisle, no doubt with Roger Baxter, but Judith came home from school, and Anne warmly welcomed the young girl.Mrs. Wyatt, too, was obviously delighted to have her youngest daughter home, and Anne saw that she had been wrong about one thing.