Events in this short story happen during the "If I die", more precisely the day before one when Kaylee is scheduled to die. Sophie meets new hot guy who turns out to be a necromancer and who's going to play a part in "Before I wake" and maybe other books. This one started me thinking that maybe Sophie is also a latent Banshee, because she definitely can scream and with the scream to get to the Netherworld. And it's a good thing that at the end of If I die her father finally decides to tell he all about her legacy, maybe it will make her life easier and she will understand what's going on and be able to protect herself. 3.5 out of 5 ratingAfter I finished the final book in the Soul Screamers series, I needed to go buy this novella. It was the last one I had to read before I was done with the whole collection.This was a nice look at how Sophie, Kaylee's cousin, came to discover the Netherworld. And we get a closer look at how she's introduced to Luca.I like reading about things from different points of view, so I enjoyed this novella. I'm now done with the series. *sniff sniff*
What do You think about Never To Sleep (2012)?
a quick novella which made closed a few holes in the series