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Read Nichts Als Sonne, Strand Und Liebe (2014)

Nichts als Sonne, Strand und Liebe (2014)

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Nichts Als Sonne, Strand Und Liebe (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

Bland book about 30 yr olds who went in completely different directions in life after high school. The geek becomes a billionaire and the homecoming queen becomes a maid, still living in town. He never quite got over his high school crush and does everything he can to win her affections, but she's got quite the past.The relationship here is really weird and I don't really get what makes this couple tick except he wants to fulfill some high school fantasy and she's just trying to survive and isn't it nice that the geek she was once nice to 15 years ago is now a billionaire?I didn't hate this, but I didn't love it. Most intriguing for me was the billionaires wanting to start their own baseball team... that was WAY more interesting, but that doesn't really get explored. Zeke's overbearing mother is an overdone character. All the characters here were trite and shallow.This is supposed to be book #1 in the series, but Zeke knows another billionaire who recently is no longer single, and there's clearly a story here, but we don't really know it. So it's confusing rather than intriguing. I loved the banter Zeke and Mandy had between them: "You're under me," she said softly. His eyes glinted with surprise. "Not at the moment." Zeke I'm telling you what that boy can talk himself out of anything or at least try to, "anyway, if you read that contract closely, it doesn't specify whose clothes," he said. "I can take mine off." Oh, please don't do that. She'd never manage to keep her hands off him. "Or you can take of yours." I liked this book but I wasn't in love with it.

What do You think about Nichts Als Sonne, Strand Und Liebe (2014)?

Thrifty Thursday review to come at The Book Nympho.

oh, shit. I actually enjoyed this.

I loved this story!

Super sweet and fun

Ooooh la la!!

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