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Read Secrets On The Sand (2013)

Secrets on the Sand (2013)

Online Book

3.79 of 5 Votes: 3
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South Street Publishing

Secrets On The Sand (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

This was a cute read. Not a lot of depth to the story, but the characters were likable enough. This is the story of, Mandy, a rich, popular girl in high school whose life took a different turn in adulthood and now she is a maid. The typical geek, Zeke, who is all grown up to be insanely rich and handsome. He has always loved her and now he finally has a chance with her. She is broken from a bad marriage and he is determined to fix her and make her his.Like I said...cute read that is perfect for a lazy day at the beach. This is the first book on a new series. Mandy was the most popular girl in high school. Zeke was the geek. Their worlds have changed drastically when they run in to each other years later. Mandy is now a maid at a resort and Zeke is a billionaire. He has had a crush on Mandy for years. She desperately needs financial help to redeem herself, but can she open herself up to Zeke?This has a very realistic storyline that many women can relate to.

What do You think about Secrets On The Sand (2013)?

Loved it ! I am a sucker for a good love story. I love chic books and ones that keep me interested.

The book was hard to believe but fun. I loved our characters and the locale.

Not to my taste at all. Good thing it was free.

An enjoyable, easy, quick read.


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