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Read Nighthawk & The Return Of Luke McGuire

Nighthawk & The Return of Luke McGuire

Online Book

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Nighthawk & The Return Of Luke McGuire - Plot & Excerpts

He’d already gone up to the bulletin board and read the notice, so he knew today was one of the days his mother was giving her fire-and-brimstone sermon.
He walked toward the small meeting room. It only held about fifty people, and if he remembered right, there were windows on either side of the main doorway, allowing a view of the back few rows of seats. And if he was guessing right, in the back would be where David was, no doubt sulking at being forced to sit though this yet again, just so his mother could be sure he wasn’t out doing evil with his no-good half brother.
He went to one of the windows and looked in. No sign of David. He went to the other side and tried it from that angle. He could just see the top of someone’s head in the last row. The hair was bleached and long on top, shorter below.
Bingo, he thought.
He stood outside the door for a moment, pondering if he wanted to do this. It didn’t take him long to decide.
She expects the worst, doesn’t she? Don’t want to disappoint her….

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