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Read Nightingale


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Jennifer Estep

Nightingale - Plot & Excerpts

The waterfall. Talon’s secret lair, Wesley’s secret superhero lair, lay behind the waterfall in his office. I should have known.  Wesley stared at me. This time, no visor hid his reaction. Shock and horror flashed in his golden eyes, but it was quickly followed by what looked like relief. Relief? Why would he be relieved I’d discovered his secret?
“Well, I see you found me after all, Abby,” Wesley said, rising to his feet.
“I—um—well, you see—”
My voice trailed off under his intense gaze. Finally, I realized that I was supposed to say something, to explain why I’d wandered in here. “I came to drop off some papers for you. Rascal got onto the walkway. I tried to grab him, but he ran away. Then, I saw the door.”
“And you just had to push it open.”
 I winced. “Guilty as charged. I didn’t want Rascal to get hurt.”
Wesley’s gaze went to Rascal, who sprawled in the middle of the floor, panting. He stared at the puppy, then back at me. He nodded.  “I’m glad you found me, that you know I’m really Talon.

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