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Read Nine Lives To Die (2014)

Nine Lives to Die (2014)

Online Book

3.74 of 5 Votes: 3
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0345530500 (ISBN13: 9780345530509)

Nine Lives To Die (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

I received a complimentary copy from the publisher via netgalley in exchange for an honest review.While the mystery itself was pretty good, there wasn't enough focusing on it. Still more talking in these books than doing. At least Rita Mae Brown has toned down on the political stuff. Thank Gawd. I wish she'd bring the old friends back such as Miranda and the Sanburnes. They helped make the stories more interesting. Good cozy mystery, 22nd in the series and I continue to like the characters & animals. Harry & friends are busy preparing gifts for those less fortunate while coping with the start of a snowy winter in Virginia. The animals are eating & fussing with each other as usual. Add three murders to solve and a hungry coyote and Rita Mae & Sneaky Pie come up with a good story. No rocket science this but just a fun, fast read.

What do You think about Nine Lives To Die (2014)?

It's always good to revisit Mrs. Murphy and her gang.

Quick read! Another Mrs. Murphy mystery.

Love this series! Always excellent

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