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Read Oath Of The Brotherhood (2014)

Oath of the Brotherhood (2014)

Online Book

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The Navigators

Oath Of The Brotherhood (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

The young man possessed as great an aptitude for teaching as he did for fighting, or perhaps he had just known Conor long enough to convey information in a way he would immediately grasp. Either way, Conor’s astonishing progress set Ard Dhaimhin buzzing about Eoghan’s talents and those of his chosen apprentice.
Reports of war came infrequently and were sketchy at best. After Fergus’s shocking conquest of Sliebhan, his newly swelled forces stalled midway into Siomar. Both sides suffered casualties without much ground gained or lost. Occasionally, Conor wondered if Eoghan censored the incoming news to keep him focused, but his mentor seemed to respect, even if he didn’t understand, the ever-increasing pull Conor felt toward the kingdoms.
Fall hurtled into midwinter, a time when the Fíréin focused less on their agrarian pursuits and more on fighting. In the gap between the harvest of the winter grains and the sowing of spring crops, even the craftsmen came out to hone their skills.

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