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Read Once Upon A Valentine

Once Upon a Valentine

Online Book

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Once Upon A Valentine - Plot & Excerpts

Possibly he was just slightly overwhelmed, like she was. Happy. Excited. Not saying goodbye. Please, don’t let him be saying goodbye. But somehow, deep down, she knew he was. She didn’t know why, but she sensed the change in him. Maybe it was because they’d come to the end of the adventure. They’d discovered the big prize, and Raine—a “finder”—had never said he was one who liked to stick around once he’d found something. Be it an artifact, a historical site…or a woman. When they finally drew apart, she managed a tremulous smile, willing her heart to stop pounding and her imagination to stop going places she didn’t want it to go. They’d just arrived. There was no way Raine was going to walk away now. He’d stay for a while, she knew it. And hopefully, during that time, she’d find a way to convince him to stay a little longer. Or else she could talk him into taking her with him when he left. That was insane, considering there was so much to do here. But Ashlynn knew that if she let him just walk out of her life, she’d regret it until the end of her days.

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