The hammering had ceased, which would account for her having been able to sleep. She was thinking that the Duke was probably responsible for the peace and quiet when she heard his voice drifting from the fireplace. It would be wicked to listen. There was, surely, nothing more contemptible than an eavesdropper. She swung her feet off the bed and tiptoed to the mantle. "I am surprised," he was saying, "that Géant tolerates Horatio." A pause, and Damon replied without expression, "Géant died." "How sad for you. What dreadful luck you have with dogs." "Che sera sera…" Damon yawned. "Horatio suits. And it was some months ago, nor of such import that you should let it influence your decision, sir." "You are so shrewd," mused Vaille. "But you always were a bright lad. You did fare well in school, didn't you?" "I did not go to school, sir." Damon sounded bored. "Grandpere preferred a tutor." "Of course. How absent-minded I am become. For myself now, four years at Magdalen—yet I was not a good scholar.
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