At this time of day—a little after three a.m.—that was unexpected. By this time, things slowed down on most floors of Singleton Hospital, and hospital personnel would be taking a break or unwinding, waiting for the next wave of emergencies or patients needing something. At night into early morning, the hospital came alive with the staff bustling around working. During the day for visiting hours, it was busy with family, friends and people coming in for outpatient things, but at night, it was the staff members who were bustling around. The cafeteria was closed, but had vending machines for people who didn’t bring in their own meals. That was a risk, since most of the things in the machines weren’t that appetising. Usually, Spencer brought in his own meals and grabbed a beverage from the machine. He walked towards his usual spot. As he looked at his lunch bag, his thoughts turned to Regina, as they had for days. No matter how busy they were, they used to make lunch for each other.