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Read Perilous Shadows: Book 6 Circles Of Light

Perilous Shadows: Book 6 Circles of Light

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Perilous Shadows: Book 6 Circles Of Light - Plot & Excerpts

He found Sket and Kran rousing guards and preparing to march. He drew Sket aside.
‘The cat,’ he said softly. ‘Khosa. She will stay with Lady Tika but she asked me to tell you those crows alerted her to this thing. She said the crows described the air as looking shivery. And one crow died when it tried to fly through.’ Sket scowled. ‘That happened before, when we fell.’ He glanced up at the big man. ‘Are you coming with us.’ Volk nodded and Sket gave him a grin. ‘Good.’ Kran selected men who were skilled with the short bow and Sket was glad Geffal was one of the four guards who accompanied him: Geffal was a renowned bowman in the Dark Realm according to Sergeant Essa. Sket reckoned the sun would be well up by the time they reached the Candle Hills, but he intended to force the pace. Emla’s guards had been trained to travel short distances at speed under Gan’s command. Sket hoped Soran had continued the practice. Before he joined Kran, Sket turned to Volk again. He lowered his voice.

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