We soon discovered that piglets can run extremely fast. Once the town hall was given the all clear, the firemen attempted to round them up but they proved uncatchable. The sow, meanwhile, was in Attack Mode. No one even attempted to tackle her. Then someone had the bright idea of scraping the remains of the celebrity chef’s failed cooking demonstration into a bucket and putting that in the back of the trailer. Once they caught the whiff of food, the pigs trotted in eagerly two by two like animals escaping the flood. By the time the pigs were safely banged up, Viola’s granite will had reasserted itself. “We will not be defeated!” she declared. Under such an onslaught the British Blitz Spirit came out in force and her army of Plucky and Heroic volunteers gave her a rousing cheer. Then she put them to work. While the authors supported each other to the nearest pub, Graham and I spent the next hour helping to scrape pig poo off the library carpet. Not a pleasant experience. But by the end of the afternoon everything was more or less restored to normal.