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Read Possessed By An Immortal (2014)

Possessed by An Immortal  (2014)

Online Book

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Possessed By An Immortal (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

When she came out of her doze, Mark was making the arrangements to rent a vehicle and to park his Lexus until someone could pick it up. From the snatches of conversation she overheard, Bree was fairly sure he was using fake ID.
    Who is he, anyway? She was still reeling from her tears and the way he’d held her. He was a doctor, yes, but there was nothing of the laboratory and white coat in that moment. Nor had that been the embrace of the man with the fake ID and cabinet of guns. For a moment, she might have glimpsed something unguarded, the real Mark behind all his carefully crafted identities. She wondered if it would ever happen again.
    She let Jonathan out of his car seat for a trip to the little boy’s room. He’d been quiet for the past hour. It had been a relief. Children his age were rarely completely silent, always squirming or singing and always at play. Or healthy children were.
    Now Jonathan was listless with dark circles that stood out like bruises under his eyes.

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