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Read Pretty In Pearls: A Forgive My Fins Novella (HarperTeen Impulse)

Pretty in Pearls: A Forgive My Fins Novella (HarperTeen Impulse)

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Pretty In Pearls: A Forgive My Fins Novella (HarperTeen Impulse) - Plot & Excerpts

Riatus asks.
Jellyfish, jellyfish, jellyfish.
My mind can’t think of anything but the swarm of massive, deadly beasts that have me trapped. In some deep corner of my mind, I know that they are not close enough, dense enough to have me literally trapped. But I can’t move. I retreat, like always, into my panic.
“Peri,” he says, his voice growing fainter even though he must be swimming closer, “you need to go home.”
It happened when I was just a guppy, barely six years old. My family had gone to the Sea Star Amusement Park for the day. On the way home, my baby brother started chasing after me with a dead squid. We swam too far, not paying attention to where we were going, and before we knew it we were at the center of a smack even bigger than this one.
He died almost instantly.
I clung to life long enough for my parents to get me to the hospital. Physical recovery took a long time. Emotional recovery is still kind of a work in progress.
“Peri, what’s wrong?”
Riatus’s face drifts into my hazy vision.

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