Puzzle People (9781613280126) (2012) - Plot & Excerpts
Kurt said, astonished. “Did he also bring the Vopos to the cemetery?” “It looks that way,” Annie said. “But why would he do that if he wanted to escape as well?” “I don’t think he was planning to escape. But once he saw his chance, he made a run for freedom.” Kurt and Annie were on their lunch hour, talking and walking through the Tiergarten. They strolled the crisscrossing paths, curving past manicured gardens, statues, and people walking their bikes. The sun was bright and blinding on the white stone pathway. “Elsa chose escape over Stefan,” Annie said. “It was the second time a girl had done that to him.” “But it’s understandable. By staying in the East with Stefan, she would have risked further interrogations—and prison. It may sound romantic to stay, but if you knew Berlin-Hohenschönhausen, you’d understand.” Berlin-Hohenschönhausen: the dreaded Stasi prison. Had Kurt been on the inside of this infamous prison? Had he seen it firsthand as a prisoner?
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