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Read Reuniting With The Rancher

Reuniting With the Rancher

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Reuniting With The Rancher - Plot & Excerpts

Martha’s clothes needed to be donated, but beyond that she found decisions remarkably hard. She did find a small stack of bills in Martha’s desk, unopened, so she pulled out her new checkbook and paid them. She supposed she needed to have the utilities and so on put in her name. She wondered if she would need Cliff for that.
    She didn’t especially feel like seeing him again, even if her thoughts kept wandering his way. She wished she could just understand why she felt so attracted to him. That should have faded, shouldn’t it?
    Apparently not.
    On and off, though, she remembered his remark about bringing some of her kids out here. During the late afternoon, she went outside to water the tree and walked around, thinking of what she might be able to do on the land that hadn’t been fenced. There was a surprising amount of space. Martha’s big vegetable garden, now mostly a memory under a layer of grass and weeds, was still there.

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