It was like every nerve was burning with a fiery excitement, ready to lash out at everything around him. At that moment, he felt no pain, no fear, and no weakness. He finally knew what it felt like to truly be demon. And then, as suddenly as it began, it ended. Jaxon dropped down to one knee, exhausted from the entire ordeal. The wound in his chest, though shallow, surged with sharp shooting pains. Blood spurted out, darkening his natural red skin color and ruining the clean bronze finish of his armor. He hoped it wasn’t his responsibility to return it the way he found it. He hated cleaning blood, especially his own. The sight of it actually made him a little nauseous. Jaxon took a few deep breaths, trying hard to calm his lungs down after their exertion. It was at that point that he noticed his breathing was the loudest thing in the entire stadium. The crowd sat in stunned silence, trying to understand what they had just seen.