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Read Rituals (2013)

Rituals (2013)

Online Book

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Poisoned Pen Press

Rituals (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

Focus on the money you’re earning and the bills you’re going to pay with it.
    This was the scolding that Faye would have expected to give a teenager. It embarrassed her to admit that she was the one who needed scolding. Amande shifted in her chair now and then, and she sometimes gazed out the window, but her to-be-sorted pile was shrinking just as fast as Faye’s. They were giving their client good work. Nobody ever promised that it would be interesting.
    As Faye opened yet another storage box, Amande gave a little squeak. Faye hurried to the girl’s work table, because something about the squeak was distinctly not bored.
    “Look at the date on this letter! It says July 17, 1848.”
    There were many artifacts in this museum that dated from the 1840s and before, but Faye knew very well what had happened near Rosebower on July 18 and 19, 1848—the Seneca Falls convention for women’s rights.

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